Over the last decade, sleep medicine has evolved from being a field with some medical and scientific interest, into a mature discipline with solid and widely accepted scientific foundations.
Over the last decade, sleep medicine has evolved from being a field with some medical and scientific interest, into a mature discipline with solid and widely accepted scientific foundations.
In addition, given the extensive prevalence of sleep disorders among the population, knowledge and mastery of such is of great interest for the training of doctors, nurses, psychologists, dentists, biologists, etc.
Considering the variety of pathologies that can be found within this field of study, it is of great importance for professionals dedicated to sleep medicine to have a multidisciplinary vision.
Therefore, developing a master’s degree on sleep medicine that allows a broad and practical knowledge of these disorders is a challenge that we have committed to. From a medical point of view, there are a wide variety of disciplines involved in sleep disorders such as neurology, pneumology, neurophysiology, ENT, odontology, psychiatry, endocrinology, and of course family medicine and pediatrics.
Within the training programs in the different medical fields, we find that none are exclusively dedicated to sleep medicine. This being the reason why professionals who dedicate themselves to this type of pathologies require complementary training in order to learn the necessary skills and obtain the above-mentioned multidisciplinary vision; thus the interest of our master’s degree.
Lastly, in some European countries as well as in the U.S, professional training exams have been available for years. Since 2012, the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) offers a certificate titled Certificate in Somnology. This certificate is not only recognized by all countries in the European Union, but it is also recognized as one of the most prestigious sleep medicine degrees in the world. This certificate is accessible and available for people from all over the world, including an annually held exam (WWW.ESRS-EXAMINATION.EU).
The main objective of this master is to offer a solid and updated theoretical and practical knowledge on sleep medicine, enabling the student to practice this medical discipline. Moreover, this master will serve as a preparation for those students that need or wish to complete the annual exam offered by the ESRS.
Although the master’s degree is primarily aimed at preparing students for the European exam, the material learned may also be useful for the preparation of other professional exams.
The master classes will be available either in Spanish or English, giving students the option to choose depending on their preferred language. However, all studying material used in both sessions will be in English.
The Sleep Institute Foundation, in collaboration with the European University of Madrid, has developed an online master in sleep medicine, which will also serve as a preparation tool for those students who plan to take the European ESRS (Europe Sleep Research Society) validation test. Its design allows students who wish to train and develop professionally to do so without the need to interrupt their professional career while training with us. In addition, once completed, there will be a possibility of doing an internship at any of our clinics, whether it is in Spain, Chile, or Panama, always under the direction and supervision of Dr. Diego García-Borreguero, member of the ESRS Examination Committee in Sleep Medicine.
This is a well-rounded master in sleep medicine, lasting 1 year (60 ECTS credits), which will incorporate eminent specialists from each area of this field, and will have the guarantee/count on the European University of Madrid, a quality seal that will give a versatile and dynamic format as well as a complete so that the students experience is the best possible, all through its well-known virtual campus.
Among the professors, we will count with the participation of relevant international experts such as Prof. M. Bhatia (Neurology Sleep Centre, New Delhi), Prof. C. Espie (Oxford University, UK), Prof. R Grunstein (Centre of Integrated Research and Understanding of Sleep – CIRUS, Australia), Prof. G.J. Lammers (Leiden University, Netherlands), Prof. L. de Lecea (Stanford University, USA), T.L. Lee-Chiong Jr (Colorado University, Denver, USA), Prof. M. Manconi (Sleep and Epilpsy Centre of the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland), Prof. D. Pevernagie (Ghent University Hospital, Belgium), Prof. F. Provini (Bolognia University, Italy), Prof. M. Schmidt (Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute, USA), Prof. D. J. Skene (Surrey University, UK). These professionals are all top international figures in their respective areas of expertise, several of them being co-authors of the textbook that will serve as the basis of this master program. All of them will be giving online classes in which students will have the opportunity to interact with them.
*Any enrollment out of time will have an extra charge (write to secretaria@fundacionespanoladelsueno.org for further information)
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